WED(World environment day)

World Environment Day

  • Global Participation: On World Environment Day, our charity joins millions around the globe to emphasize the importance of environmental conservation through tree planting.


  • Planting for the Planet: We mark this day by organizing special tree-planting events, contributing directly to global efforts to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.


  • Raise Awareness: Our charity uses World Environment Day as a platform to educate communities about the crucial role of trees in maintaining a healthy planet.


  • Community Involvement: We encourage individuals, schools, and local organizations to participate in our tree-planting initiatives, fostering collective responsibility for our environment.


  • Amplifying Impact: By highlighting the success of our Miyawaki forests on World Environment Day, we inspire others to adopt sustainable forestation practices worldwide.


  • Long-term Commitment: World Environment Day serves as a reminder of our ongoing dedication to environmental protection, reinforcing the importance of year-round action in planting and nurturing trees.