

Our tree-planting charity offers companies and corporations a meaningful way to enhance their environmental sustainability efforts. By partnering with us, businesses can offset their carbon footprints, fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments, and demonstrate their dedication to combating climate change. We provide customized tree-planting programs tailored to align with corporate goals, whether it’s through sponsoring large-scale reforestation projects, engaging employees in tree-planting events, or creating branded Miyawaki forests. These initiatives not only contribute to environmental conservation but also enhance the company’s public image, foster employee engagement, and create positive community relations. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the planet and leave a green legacy for future generations.

Tax Benefits and Financial Incentives

Donating to our charity can also offer financial advantages for your company:

  • Tax Deductions: Contributions to our charity may be tax-deductible, providing a financial incentive for your company to donate


  • Cost-effective CSR: Tree-planting projects offer a high return on investment for CSR initiatives, providing significant environmental and social benefits at a relatively low cost.


  • Long-term Savings: Supporting reforestation can lead to long-term financial savings by reducing the need for costly environmental remediation or carbon offset purchases in the future.


  • Access to Green Financing: Companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, including through donations to environmental causes, may find it easier to access green financing options or favorable loan terms.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Enhancement

We provide companies with opportunities to fulfill their CSR commitments through impactful environmental projects:

  • High-impact Projects: By donating to our charity, your company can participate in high-impact tree-planting projects that directly benefit communities and the environment.


  • Transparency and Reporting: We offer detailed reports on the progress and outcomes of the projects funded by your company, ensuring transparency and accountability.


  • Community Engagement: Your contribution supports not just tree planting, but also community education and involvement, helping to foster sustainable practices in local areas.


  • Positive PR and Branding: Highlighting your partnership with our charity in your CSR reports and marketing materials can enhance your company’s reputation as a responsible and environmentally conscious business.


  • Recognition and Awards: Contributing to our charity can position your company for recognition in sustainability awards and other accolades within your industry.

Corporate Reputation and Brand Image

Supporting our charity can significantly enhance your company’s reputation and brand image:

  • Positive Public Perception: Companies that are seen as taking proactive steps to protect the environment are more likely to be favored by consumers and partners.


  • Differentiation from Competitors: Your commitment to tree planting and environmental sustainability can set your company apart from competitors who may not be as active in these areas.


  • Brand Loyalty: Customers are increasingly looking for brands that align with their values. By supporting our charity, you appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, fostering brand loyalty.


  • Media and Social Media Coverage: Our charity’s projects offer opportunities for positive media coverage, as well as content for your social media channels, highlighting your company’s commitment to making a difference.

Employee and Customer Engagement

Partnering with our charity provides opportunities to engage both employees and customers in meaningful ways:

  • Volunteer Opportunities: Organize volunteer tree-planting days where employees can participate directly, increasing job satisfaction and corporate loyalty.


  • Customer Involvement: Offer customers the chance to contribute to your tree-planting initiatives, perhaps by matching their donations or creating campaigns where a portion of sales funds tree planting.


  • Educational Campaigns: Collaborate with us to create educational materials that inform both employees and customers about the importance of reforestation and environmental conservation.


  • Sustainability Ambassadors: Turn your employees into sustainability ambassadors by involving them in our projects, giving them the tools to advocate for your company’s environmental efforts.


  • Corporate Events: Host events focused on environmental awareness and tree planting, reinforcing your company’s commitment to the planet.